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De Mon Lac

Created in 1985, Jean-Paul Riopelle's Auprès De Mon Lac series features seven lithographs. These works encapsulate Riopelle's profound connection to nature, utilising his dynamic abstract style to reflect the serenity and complexity of lakeside landscapes.

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Meaning & Analysis

Jean-Paul Riopelle's Auprès De Mon Lac series, produced in 1985, stands as a testament to the artist's enduring fascination with nature and landscape. Known for his contributions to the Abstract Expressionism movement, Riopelle employs lithography in this series to explore the intricate interplay between natural forms and abstraction. Each of the seven lithographs—Auprès De Mon Lac No. 1 through to Auprès De Mon Lac No. 7—captures the essence of a lakeside environment, depicting it through a lens of dynamic spontaneity.

Riopelle's technique in these lithographs is characterised by a fluidity and movement that mirrors the natural world. His use of bold, sweeping lines and complex layering of forms creates a sense of depth and texture, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the artist's vision of the lakeside. The series is a reflection of Riopelle's ability to translate the physical landscape into abstract compositions that resonate with a profound sense of place and memory.

In the broader context of Riopelle's oeuvre, Auprès De Mon Lac aligns with his exploration of nature and abstract representation. It echoes the artist's earlier works while also showcasing his adaptation as an artist. Riopelle's ability to capture the ephemeral qualities of nature in a permanent medium speaks to his innovative spirit.

The series not only highlights Riopelle's technical prowess but also his deep personal connection to the landscapes that inspired him. It is through these works that viewers can appreciate the full scope of Riopelle's artistic vision and his enduring legacy in the world of Abstract Expressionism.

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