Looking to sell a Basquiat print? Here are some important points to consider while you prepare your work for sale, and advice on choosing the right time and place to offer it back to the market.
Richard Polsky began his art career in 1978 as a gallery director and opened his own gallery, Acme Art, in 1984. Acme Art hosted notable exhibitions, including those of Ed Ruscha, Joseph Cornell, Bill Traylor, and Andy Warhol. In 1988, Polsky transitioned to a private art dealer, a role he still holds today.
He authored I Bought Andy Warhol and I Sold Andy Warhol (too soon), the former featured on NPR and the latter reviewed in the Wall Street Journal. Polsky also published The Art Market Guide, assessing blue-chip artists' investment potential. His gallery hosted San Francisco's second Warhol exhibition just before Warhol's death.
Polsky has participated in authentication panels, including one at SUNY Purchase, and authored The Art Prophets, featuring a chapter on Street Art with artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring.
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