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Created in 1978, Jean Dubuffet’s Faits Memorables series captures the essence of his raw and energetic artistic style through three striking screenprints. The series combines Dubuffet's characteristic abstract forms with bold, expressive lines to depict human figures and urban chaos.

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Meaning & Analysis

Jean Dubuffet’s Faits Memorables series, completed in 1978, is a prime example of his commitment to Art Brut, a style that celebrates the raw and untamed essence of creativity. This series of screenprints reflects Dubuffet’s fascination with the unconventional and the everyday.

Each artwork in Faits Memorables is a cacophony of colour and form, with abstract figures interspersed amongst dynamic and chaotic scenes. The human figures, outlined in black and filled with muted tones, seem to float against the vibrant and complex backgrounds. The composition of each print is dense and layered, creating a sense of depth and movement.

Faits Memorables I is a vivid amalgamation of irregular shapes in red, blue, and white, juxtaposed with abstract human figures rendered in black outlines. The chaotic background of geometric patterns and vibrant colours evokes a sense of urban dynamism.

In Faits Memorables II, Dubuffet employs a similar technique, with human forms set against a backdrop of bold, contrasting colours. The interplay of black, white, and red shapes creates a sense of movement, while the figures appear almost ghost-like, a signature of Dubuffet's exploration of the human condition.

Faits Memorables III continues the theme of abstract figures within a vibrant setting. The human forms, sketched in Dubuffet's iconic style, float amidst a background of red, blue, and black shapes, evoking a sense of fragmentation and chaos.

Dubuffet’s screenprints in this series are rich in texture and depth, achieved through multiple layers of colour and line. The rough, almost childlike quality of the figures and the frenetic backgrounds are quintessentially Dubuffet, embodying his rejection of conventional aesthetics in favour of a more primal and instinctual expression of art.