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Ben Nicholson's Architectural Suite is a profound exploration of architectural forms through the medium of etching. Comprising ten prints including Movement, Aquileia, and Verona (The Duomo), the series reflects Nicholson’s fascination with architectural structures and his mastery in translating these into stark, paired back compositions.

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Meaning & Analysis

Ben Nicholson’s Architectural Suite captures the essence of various architectural sites across Europe, abstracting them into compositions that emphasise geometric form and spatial harmony. This series is a testament to his skill in etching, a technique that allowed him to express the distinct lines that define his style.

Each print in the series is characterised by a minimalist approach, where Nicholson reduces buildings and landscapes to their geometric fundamentals. The series moves beyond representation, offering instead a distilled vision of architecture through a minimalist lens. Prints such as Pisa and Lucca showcase Nicholson’s ability to transform iconic architectural structures into dynamic abstracted compositions.

Nicholson’s technique in these etchings is meticulous, using the clarity and precision that the medium affords to create sharp contrasts and subtle gradations of tone. This technical prowess is evident in Aquileia, where fine lines and delicate etching foreground the textural qualities of the architectural elements depicted.

Architectural Suite also serves as a reflection of the post-war cultural landscape, where there was a renewed interest in the purity of form and the essence of structures. Nicholson’s focus on architecture through an abstract lens mirrors the contemporary architectural discourse that emphasised functionality and form.